Tools of Characterization

Tools of Characterization

Characterization in Sabrina


Sabrina's last name is Fairchild—and that sums up her character perfectly. She's beautiful, or "fair," and she's very young. She is the fair child who, through her fairness and childlike enthusiasm and innocence, captivates both Larrabee brothers.


Clothing is hugely important in Sabrina. Sabrina's stylish, quirky dresses define her character (see Mode of Production). They enable her transformation from clueless nobody to fashionable sensation.

Look also at the gown worn by the heiress Elizabeth Tyson, played by Martha Hyer. It's fussy with a dramatic bust line. The clothing tells you that Sabrina is elegant and simple and fresh, while Elizabeth (poor Elizabeth) is gauche and materialistic.

Clothing is important for other characters too. Linus' dumpy hat and umbrella peg him as a boring old fart—until Sabrina gives the hat a flair by adjusting the brim, and gets him to chuck the umbrella. And when David shows up with the hat and umbrella at the boardroom, it suggests he's become more responsible himself—and ready to take more of a role in the family business.


The dialogue in Sabrina is gently witty, and serves to illuminate the characters. One of the best bits is this:

DAVID: Morning, Linus. Where're you off to?

LINUS: The office. Where do you think?

DAVID: The office? On Sunday?

LINUS: Today is Wednesday.

DAVID: Wednesday?

That tells you everything you need to know about the nose-to-the-grindstone Linus and the cheerfully clueless and lazy David. It also tells you something about the relationship between them. When Linus says, "Where do you think?" he's not very polite or respectful. He sounds exasperated.

And if you watch the movie, you'll see that the brothers spend large portions of their time being exasperated with one another.