Samson Agonistes Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Samson Agonistes? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What did Dalila tell the Philistines about Samson's strength?

That it wasn't actually real
That he only had it as long as his hair was not cut
That God didn't actually give it to him
That it was susceptible to kryptonite
Q. What was surprising about Samson's birth?

He was strong the minute he was born.
His mother was a virgin.
His parents believed they were unable to conceive.
He was born with green skin and teeth.
Q. Why are there tensions between Israel and the Philistines?

The Philistines stole Israeli's boyfriend.
Samson and Dalila's marriage was illegal.
Samson had promised to fight for the Philistines.
Philistine has conquered and controls Israel.
Q. Why, according to Samson, did he marry Dalila in the first place?

God told him to marry a Philistine woman.
No Hebrew women would marry Samson.
Dalila and Samson were childhood sweethearts.
Samson's parents arranged the marriage for political reasons.
Q. What was foretold about Samson?

That he would win big at Las Vegas
That in killing the Philistines, he would also kill himself
That he would help Israel conquer the Philistines
That he would eventually lose all his strength