Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Kirk and his crew return to Earth after repairing the Enterprise from its devastating battle with Khan. The admiral is still overcome with grief over the loss of his friend.
  • McCoy has a mental breakdown, and Admiral Morrow tells Kirk the Enterprise will be decommissioned. When it rains, right?
  • Sarek visits Kirk and is peeved that the man didn't bring his son's soul, his katra, to Vulcan.
  • Kirk learns Spock dumped his soul into McCoy before sacrificing himself. He promises Sarek he'll rescue Spock from Genesis, but Admiral Morrow refuses to lend Kirk the keys to Enterprise.
  • So Kirk busts McCoy out of jail and steals the starship anyway.
  • At Genesis, Kirk discovers a Klingon Bird-of-Prey has destroyed the USS Grissom. After a tense space battle, both ships are badly damaged.
  • To show he has the upper hand, the Klingon commander, Kruge, introduces Kirk to his hostages and then has one killed.
  • The killed hostage is David, Kirk's son.
  • Kirk is understandably distraught at the news, but he manages to pull together a plan.
  • Setting the self-destruct on Enterprise, he and his crew beam down to Genesis just as the Klingon boarding party teleports over.
  • Kirk watches his beloved starship burn up in the planet's atmosphere.
  • The crew rescues Spock and Saavik. Realizing they have no ride, Kirk contacts Kruge to make a deal.
  • Kruge decides they'll settle things like fight night—one round, two competitors, winner take all.
  • Kirk wins. Kirk takes all, including Kruge's ship.
  • The crew flies to Vulcan where the Vulcan high priestess performs the ritual of refusion on McCoy and Spock.
  • The film ends with Spock remembering his friend and everyone gathering around for a big group hug.