Seize the Day Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Hollywood was his own idea, too. He used to pretend that it had all been the doing of a certain talent scout named Maurice Venice. But the scout had never made him a definite offer of a studio connection. He had approached him, but the results of the screen tests had not been good. After the test Wilhelm took the initiative and pressed Maurice Venice until he got him to say, "Well, I suppose you might make it out there." On the strength of this Wilhelm had left college and had gone to California. (1.48)

Wilhelm's decision to quit college and head to Hollywood—even against Maurice Venice's advice—is the first in a long line of impulsive decisions that he makes throughout his life. Wilhelm likes to dream big, and act rashly: his dreams and hopes aren't often accompanied by practical plans.

Quote #2

I didn't seem even to realize that there was a depression. How could I have been such a jerk as not to prepare for anything and just go on luck and inspiration? (1.52)

Wilhelm can see clearly that his decision to quit college and move to Los Angeles was a bad one. Unfortunately for him, that hasn't stopped him from making yet another disastrous choice, as he's now risked everything in an equally impulsive bid to get rich quick by buying and selling lard stocks, of all things.

Quote #3

Still, for three months Wilhelm delayed his trip to California. He wanted to start out with the blessings of his family, but they were never given. He quarreled with his parents and his sister. And then, when he was best aware of the risks and knew a hundred reasons against going and had made himself sick with fear, he left home. This was typical of Wilhelm. After much thought and hesitation and debate he invariably took the course he had rejected innumerable times. (1.99)

If Wilhelm's definitive character trait is that he always makes the wrong decision after deciding that it's a bad idea, what's the deeper issue here? Why does he do it? Is it just that he's an incorrigible dreamer and a risk-taker at heart?