Shiloh Gender Roles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I'd give anything if I could just get these muscles to where they're real hard." (1.2)

Norma Jean's desire for a rock-hard bod is an example of her assuming a more masculine gender role. Remember folks—this story was written long before the days of CrossFit.

Quote #2

"That's what a woman would do." (2.17)

Mabel's emasculating attack on Leroy for doing something conventionally feminine highlights his taking on a more conventionally feminine role in the marriage. He used to bring home the bacon, but now he's sitting at home sewing. Mabel is not pleased.

Quote #3

"She has graduated from her six-week body-building course and now she is taking an adult-education course in composition at Paducah Community College." (5.1)

Getting brainier and brawnier is another way that Norma Jean breaks out of her Southern belle shell and takes on a more masculine role. You go, girl.