
Symbol Analysis

Sometimes we want to sing from the top of one; sometimes we just want to sit on the ground and check out their majestic beauty from below. Mountains are nature's go-to symbol for perseverance, strength, and purity. After all, when people hang out in the mountains, they're usually doing so to get away from it all and escape the hustle and bustle of city life. So the speaker makes it clear that cities equal craziness and the mountains equal safety and endurance. When compared to meteors, we also understand that mountains represent the creative stuff we can build up from the ground while the meteors represent the destructive force that can tear it all down and leave a giant hole in the earth instead.

  • Line 6: We need it all folks: meteors, mountains, porcupines—pretty much anything that exists in nature. There's a purpose for it all and we can't say we want just the pretty things. The speaker tells us we need to realize that, in order to get the pretty creative things, there needs to be a little destruction somewhere. The basic idea is what's created is destroyed and later created again in some other form, just like that decaying fruit.
  • Line 8: What's more is that the mountains are a kind of safe haven compared to man's corruption. We have a choice then to hang out in the center of the corruption (cities) or head for the mountains (nature) where it's safe and far away from America's vulgarity. After the monster takes down the cities, the mountains are still alive and well because they're not where the hedge funds are (trust us).