Sister Carrie Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Sven Hanson] was of a clean, saving disposition, and had already paid a number of monthly installments on two lots far out on the West Side. His ambition was some day to build a house on them. (2.4)

No wonder Sven and Carrie don't mix.

Quote #2

With the wane of the afternoon went her hopes, her courage, and her strength. She had been astonishingly persistent. So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward. (3.76)

Carrie and we readers learn early on that, in this novel, effort and persistence don't necessarily lead to a sweet reward.

Quote #3

When these things would fall upon Drouet's ears, he would straighten himself a little more stiffly and eat with solid comfort. If he had any vanity, this augmented it, and if he had any ambition, this stirred it. He would be able to flash a roll of greenbacks too some day. As it was, he could eat where they did. (5.6)

Take that, rich people. What would Ames have to say about Drouet's ambition?