Sling Blade Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Sling Blade.

Quote #1

KARL: They told me I was well. Had to turn me loose.

FRANK: Well are you well?

KARL: I reckon I feel all right.

Karl has a childlike honesty in his responses, especially this one. The "are you well?" question is a loaded one that basically means, "Are you going to kill anyone again?" Karl's answer is true…in the moment. Karl also has a childlike ability not to think much about the future.

Quote #2

KARL: You don't need to hear things like that. You just a boy. You need to think about good thoughts while you still a boy. They's plenty of time for all the other.

Karl wants to preserve Frank's innocence, maybe because Karl never had any innocent years of his own.

Quote #3

KARL: Well, I growed up an' learned that you ain't supposed to kill nobody.

Karl killed his mother and her lover without any thought of the consequences, and he did it thinking that it was the right thing to do. Can murder ever be "innocent," in a way?