Slumdog Millionaire Scene 13 Summary

  • Confetti drops in the studio as the entire country celebrates. Jamal looks around in a daze. We cut to Latika running, and smiling, making her way through the city.
  • Later, Jamal sits alone in a near-empty train station, looking disheartened. But then, suddenly, on the other side of the tracks, he sees her.
  • Memories flash before us as Jamal makes his way to Latika; we see Amitabh, Jamal's mother, the blind boy with his "Ben Franklin," and various shots of Jamal, Salim and Latika as youngsters.
  • "I knew you'd be watching," he says when they meet. "I thought we'd be together only in death," she responds.
  • He removes the scarf from her head, and kisses her new scar. Images run in reverse back to when he first saw her at the train station the other day.
  • "This is our destiny," he says. They kiss, as the screen fades to black.
  • Answer "D. It is Written" illuminates.
  • The credits, brimming with color and sound, roll to the Oscar winning tune of "Jai Ho," as Jamal and Latika lead an ornate Bollywood dance number in the train station.