Symbol Analysis

Music is another big theme in this poem. It's evoked right from the title, "Song VII," and we find music imagery throughout the poem itself. Given that this is a poem that is about communicating with the divine, sounds and song are used by the speaker as a way of suggesting the best ways in which we can communicate with God—simply and directly.

  • Line 1: The speaker describes his poem as a "song." This connects the poem to music. What's important about this is that the speaker's words here link music and poetry. Poetry is a kind of music, because like music it relies on sounds and rhythms
  • Lines 8-9: In describing his own life in terms of an instrument, a "flute of reed" that the divine fills with music, the speaker suggests that the true master-musician is God, holding his own private jam session way up there in the sky. This image also sets the speaker in a passive, or receptive, relationship to God. The speaker himself doesn't have the power to make music. Only the "master poet"-musician God does.