The Sound of Music Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Sound of Music? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Herr Zeller put up at the von Trapp house?

A portrait of Adolf Hitler
A billboard for the von Trapp Family Singers
A Nazi flag
A banana stand
Q. How does Captain von Trapp summon his kids when the movie begins?

A dinner bell
Their full names
A special whistle
Q. How does Reverend Mother justify sending Maria to Captain von Trapp?

Budget cuts at the abbey
God's will
The other nuns voted Maria out, Survivor-style
Captain von Trapp donated a lot of money to the abbey
Q. What does Maria bring to the von Trapp family?

Music and joy
The world's best schnitzel recipe
Different political beliefs
Her life savings of 3 schillings
Q. Whom do Maria and the captain think should be asked for Maria's hand in marriage?

Reverend Mother
Her parents
The Ortsgruppenleiter
The von Trapp children