Skeleton Shirt

Skeleton Shirt

The Spine Who Loved Me

One of the last images of the entire film is Nigel being interviewed by Marty, sitting there in his green skeleton shirt. It seems to be just a generic tee shirt. The band name isn't shown anywhere, so no reason to believe this is a piece of official merchandise. And yet…

Those bones in the middle make up the human spine. Hm. Spine. Spinal Tap. Coincidence? If you asked Nigel—well, if you asked Nigel, he'd probably ask you what the word "coincidence" means. But our guess is that the filmmakers totally knew what they were doing with that one. Additionally, the scene's yet another opportunity for Nigel to show off his epic misunderstanding of everything, including the color of blood.

Who knows—if the band was still called "The Thamesmen," maybe Nigel's shirt would have had a river running through it.