Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

Kirk (William Shatner)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Kirk confers with the crew and decides to return to Earth to accept punishment for his actions in the previous film.
  • On the way home, Kirk learns about the probe.
  • Kirk and company time travel back to 1986.
  • There, Kirk and Spock find two humpback whales at a local whale institute.
  • Kirk flirts with the whales' handler, Gillian Taylor, and tries to convince her to let him take the whales.
  • Gillian reveals that the whales have already been released into the wild.
  • Kirk, McCoy, and Gillian rescue Chekov from a hospital. They pick up the whales and travel back through time. They save the world.
  • Kirk receives his "punishment"—he is demoted from admiral to captain and given control of Enterprise. This is what he's wanted for a long time.