Stormbreaker Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Stormbreaker? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What type of animal does Sayle have in his office?

A shark
A bear
a jellyfish
a dinosaur
Q. Alex ends up staying in _________'s old room at Sayle Enterprises.

Ian Rider
Yassen Gregorovich
Mr. Grin
Young Thug
Q. Who tricks Alex into walking right into a trap door?

Herod Sayle
Nadia Vole
Mrs. Jones
The Hamburglar
Q. Alex is ambushed by bad dudes with flame throwers while walking to where?

Sayle Enterprises
London Science Museum
Port Tallon
Q. What game does Alex beat Herod Sayle at?

Super Smash Bros.