Strega Nona Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #1

She could cure a headache, with oil and water and a hairpin. She made special potions for the girls who wanted husbands. And she was very good at getting rid of warts. (8)

Strega Nona has a whole lot of knowledge, and she's able to do some pretty powerful things with it. What could happen if she wasn't careful with this knowledge—if she didn't also exercise wisdom about how to use it?

Quote #2

"The one thing you must never do," said Strega Nona, "is touch the pasta pot. It is very valuable, and I don't let anyone touch it!" (10)

This is wise advice on Strega Nona's part. Unfortunately, she's talking to someone who doesn't possess enough wisdom to follow it.

Quote #3

"I'll show them!" he said to himself. "Someday I will get the pasta pot and make it cook! And then they'll be sorry." (14)

These are angry words, for sure, but they're not wise ones. Have you ever noticed that we don't make the best (or wisest) decisions when we're upset?