Sunset Limited The Living Dead Summary

  • White asks Black why he thinks he needs to do this, and Black suggests that it was God's doing—Black caught White and prevented him from committing suicide for a reason.
  • White sits back down and asks Black if he thinks Jesus is in the room, to which Black says he knows Jesus is in the room.
  • They have a goofy little debate, where White implies that Black might be a person who needs mental-health treatment.
  • Say there was a person in the room named Cecil (for some reason) who thought White was naked and green with a tail—they'd totally consider locking him away (says White).
  • Black points out that Cecil actually isn't here to defend his point of view, so White's loading off his criticism of Black onto Cecil.
  • They talk more about Jesus. Responding to White's questions, Black says he can't see Jesus, but he hears him. Not actually, like, through his ears, but in his own head, spiritually speaking. White is confused.
  • Black says he only associates himself with ideas and thoughts that have "the lingerin scent of divinity."
  • He says he tried to live life without submitting to a higher power, but it only got him "Death in life."