Surfacing Chapter 18 Summary

  • Now she was back in the cabin, remembering the dude she now realized hadn't been her husband.
  • She then decided that it would make sense for her mother to have left her some kind of token for her, since her dad had "left" her the drawings. She started out looking for it, running into David (who was looking for Anna) along the way. Not wanting to interact with him, she headed for the trail. He followed.
  • He then propositioned her for sex, but she declined. He tried to convince her by telling her that Joe and Anna were off engaging in their own "extracurriculars," so why shouldn't they? She still declined, and he got insulting with her before recovering his phony composure and saying he admired her restraint (and asking her not to tell Anna).
  • Later, they all sat around the dinner table. Somehow, when the subject of David hitting on the narrator came up, David and Anna ended up joining forces to rag on the narrator for being a cold prude. Anna claimed Joe had told her Anna wasn't putting out anymore. Then, David and Anna called her a man-hater and inhuman. With friends like these—right?