Tears of a Tiger Chapter 5 Summary

"Dear Lord"

  • B.J. says a prayer, admitting his guilt over what happened the night of the accident.
  • He's too short to be on the basketball team, so when the players invite him out, he gets super excited to be included as one of the guys.
  • He feels badly, though, that Robbie died and he didn't. His mom keeps saying "praise the Lord" and stuff like that, but B.J. can't help wondering what Robbie's mom is saying.
  • He feels bad that he wasn't drinking and didn't say anything to Andy about driving drunk.
  • B.J. hates the taste of beer, but what he tells the guys is that it stunts growth—and since he's already so short, they don't bother him about it.
  • He wonders whether he should have stepped in that night and told Andy not to drive; he worries that Andy and the cool guys wouldn't want to hang out with him for doing something like that, though.
  • B.J. decides to go to church with his mom on Sunday to be a better person.