Tell all the truth but tell it slant — Art and Culture (Poetry) Quotes

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Quote #1

Tell all the Truth but tell is slant— (1)

Poetry's all about telling the truth, especially in a not-so-direct way. We Shmoopers spend all of our time working out the "slant" parts of poetry so more readers can see its deep-down truth.

Quote #2

Success in Circuit lies (2)

Metaphors, similes, symbols—there are all sorts of literary devices that aid in keeping poetry's message Circuit-y. There are so many sometimes, that it takes a lot of patience and practice to keep from getting dizzy.

Quote #3

The Truth's superb surprise (4)

It's the superb surprise in poetry, and really all art, that makes us keep coming back to it, and what makes the artist keep making it. The "surprise" in poetry or art is the act of discovery—a sort of "ah-ha!" moment.