The Adventures of Augie March Chapter 7 Summary

  • Einhorn is wiped out in the Great Crash, losing the family's inheritance and most of the properties they own.
  • With those he still owns, he's a ruthless landlord, turning off people's heat if they can't pay the rent.
  • He's taken to court and loses.
  • Close to broke, he has to let Augie go.
  • Simon has lost his savings, but his business sense keeps him afloat.
  • Augie goes to work selling soda.
  • Simon shows up at the poolroom during a dull time, apparently having nothing better to do.
  • However, he keeps clear of hoodlums and thieves "on their professional side."
  • Augie, meanwhile, becomes party to a robbery.
  • He'd been running with Jimmy Klein and Clem Tambow much of the time.
  • Through his connections, he's approached by the thief named Joe Gorman.
  • Augie doesn't decline the offer.
  • He intends to rob a leather goods store.
  • Augie acts as the lookout.
  • When it's done, Augie returns home, feeling miserable, not sure how he'll explain his cut of the money.
  • Augie tells Gorman not to count on him for future robberies. Gorman is fine with the news.
  • Einhorn finds out about the robbery and gives Augie a lecture. Yes, the robbery proceeded without a hitch, but if they'd been caught in the act, Augie could have been an accomplice to murdering a cop.
  • Einhorn tells Augie he won't be welcome back to the poolroom if he does anything so stupid again, but also reveals to Augie a truth about himself: Augie has opposition in him.
  • Augie feels warmly toward Einhorn for really thinking about him.
  • Einhorn, too, has his swindles, but he plays it safer than relying on lowlifes like Gorman.
  • Einhorn rehires Augie, albeit for less money.
  • His first task is with one of Einhorn's schemes: taking in a gangster named Nosey Mutchnik.
  • They plan to buy a vacant lot together, one Einhorn already owns.
  • Einhorn tells Augie not to worry, that the gangster is too stupid to do the necessary research and connect all the dots.
  • They pull it off. Einhorn makes an easy $400—a lot of cash in the days of the Great Depression.
  • Augie is given a wallet and $10 as a graduation gift from the Einhorns.
  • Before his party, Augie is taken to be taken to a show by Einhorn.
  • That's the story Einhorn tells his wife. He actually has a brothel in mind.
  • They find the place, but there's some embarrassment when the host of the place learns the Einhorn cannot move his arms and legs.
  • Einhorn pays for the services.
  • As they're leaving, Augie carrying Einhorn, the older man whispers to Augie not to look at anyone on the way out.
  • After being dropped off at home, Einhorn tells Augie to take the car to his party.