

Character Role Analysis

Sophie and the BFG

Sophie’s the character we follow from the beginning of the story. We discover the BFG, other giants, and their world through her point of view. She’s faced with the imminent danger of potential death at the hands of other giants, not to mention the problem that even if the giants aren’t killing her, they are killing humans. It’s big problem for a kid to solve, but Sophie’s up to the task.

And even though we discover Giant Country by following Sophie, the BFG is our tour guide. He’s also a huge part of the story (the story’s namesake, in fact). We watch him run through a range of emotions: pride, happiness, fear, and hurt. All within a matter of seconds (okay, and the course of the book, too).

At the end, he gets a full makeover—not physically, but knowledge-wise. So though the beginning focuses on Sophie, the end is all about how the BFG turns out.