Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor)’s Timeline and Summary

Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Mitch's father dies. His bereaved mother, Lydia, clings to Mitch.
  • Mitch, a defense lawyer in San Francisco, meets Annie Hayworth in San Francisco, and they start dating.
  • After they break up, she comes to Bodega Bay as the schoolteacher to be near him.
  • Mitch sees a case in court in which socialite Melanie Daniels is responsible for breaking a window.
  • Mitch meets Melanie in a pet store in San Francisco and plays a practical joke on her by pretending to believe she's a saleswoman there.
  • Melanie surprises Mitch by bringing a pair of lovebirds to his sister, Cathy, as a gift to their home up the coast in Bodega Bay.
  • Mitch invites Melanie to dinner and generally lets her know he's interested in her.
  • They get more serious, but their romance is interrupted by increasingly violent bird attacks.
  • Under the pressure of the bird attacks, Melanie and Mitch become more serious about their relationship. They're in the trenches together.
  • Mitch tries to fight off a massive bird assault in his home, and afterward, he can't even get the police to believe what happened.
  • During an even bigger bird attack, Mitch boards up the windows and valiantly defends his family.
  • Melanie is badly injured and traumatized by an attack, and Mitch determines to get her to a hospital despite the danger of being outside.
  • Mitch, Lydia, and Cathy drive away from Bodega Bay, with lots and lots of birds sitting around watching them with supposedly sinister intent.