The Birds Scene 16 Summary

  • Back at Mitch's house, he's boarding up the windows.
  • He casts worried glances at where the birds are gathering.
  • He says there's a pattern to their behavior; they attack, go away, and then start massing again.
  • Melanie hasn't been able to reach her father because the phone is dead.
  • Lydia calls from inside that there's news on the radio.
  • There's a brief statement that crows attacked schoolchildren but not much else.
  • You can't trust the news if you have a bird attack, Shmoopers. Sad but true.
  • Mitch has built a fire in the fireplace to keep out the birds.
  • Lydia is increasingly hysterical and thinks they should leave, but Mitch feels they shouldn't go while the birds are massing.
  • Lydia starts shouting and says she wishes Mitch's dad were here; Cathy is crying.
  • They're not showing grace under pressure there.
  • The birds have got them all a-flutter.
  • Get it?
  • Okay, fine. We won't make any more puns. Not a tweet out of us, Eagle Scout's honor.
  • Mitch and Melanie go back outside to try to do more boarding up.