Lines 10-30 Summary

Get out the microscope, because we’re going through this poem line-by-line.

Lines 10-30

Life, how and what is it? As here I lie
In this state-chamber, dying by degrees,
Hours and long hours in the dead night, I ask
"Do I live, am I dead?" Peace, peace seems all.
Saint Praxed's ever was the church for peace;
And so, about this tomb of mine. I fought
With tooth and nail to save my niche, ye know:
—Old Gandolf cozened me, despite my care;
Shrewd was that snatch from out the corner South
He graced his carrion with, God curse the same!
Yet still my niche is not so cramped but thence
One sees the pulpit o' the epistle-side,
And somewhat of the choir, those silent seats,
And up into the very dome where live
The angels, and a sunbeam's sure to lurk:
And I shall fill my slab of basalt there,
And 'neath my tabernacle take my rest,
With those nine columns round me, two and two,
The odd one at my feet where Anselm stands:
Peach-blossom marble all, the rare, the ripe
As fresh poured red wine of a mighty pulse

  • The bishop goes on addressing his sons/nephews. It looks like there are times when, lying in bed at night, he's not even sure that he's alive or dead anymore. Still, it doesn't seem to bother him. Instead, it's a peaceful experience.
  • You know what else is peaceful? St. Praxed's church—that's what.
  • Geography note: St. Praxed's is a real church in Rome, called locally Santa Prassede. It's actually named after Saint Praxedes.
  • Thinking about this church reminds the bishop about his tomb. He's ordered one to be prepared for him at St. Praxed's. That jerkface Gandolf tricked ("cozened") him and stole a prime spot in the south corner of the church (17-19), but the spot that the bishop has reserved is not too cramped. He can see the pulpit from where he'll be, on the right-hand side of the church ("the epistle side"), as well as some of the choir and church dome.
  • What's more, he'll have some dramatic black rock ("basalt") for his slab, as he rests in a recess ("tabernacle") guarded by nine columns of peach-colored marble. The marble will have some red coloration to it as well, as if it were "As fresh poured red wine of a mighty pulse" (30). In other words, it will have a dramatic red color to it.
  • Man, his afterlife digs sound pretty sweet. Does anyone else feel like we're watching an ancient version of MTV's Cribs?