The Dark Knight Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Dark Knight? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Harvey's coin once belonged to whom?

The Joker
His father
The first mobster he ever put away
Q. The Joker apparently considers his make-up to be what?

His real face
War paint to frighten people
A symbol of Gotham's corruption
A defiant gesture against Batman
Q. Both the Joker and Two-Face consider anarchy to be what?

Q. Why does the Joker hate the Mob?

They only care about money.
They kill too many people.
They secretly long to be better than they are.
They hate him.
Q. The conviction of all those mobsters depends upon what?

Batman keeping them frightened
Harvey staying squeaky clean
The Joker getting caught
Jim Gordon being appointed Commissioner