The Garden Philosophical Viewpoints: Metaphysics Quotes

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Quote #1

Meanwhile the mind, from pleasures less,
Withdraws into its happiness (41-42)

The speaker is clearly concerned with his metaphysical well-being; he doesn't want to just think about how the mind works, he wants the mind to be at its happiest and best

Quote #2

The mind, that ocean where each kind
Does straight its own resemblance find (43-44)

Marvell is drawing on the idea of parallel images in the mind and parallel species in the ocean, but in what other ways might the mind and the ocean be similar? Would our speaker agree with your ideas?

Quote #3

Yet it creates, transcending these,
Far other worlds, and other seas (45-46)

Ah, the power of imagination. The speaker seems to believe that the mind can not only create, but can do so on a massive scale. He isn't just talking about imagining individual objects or things, he's talking about creating entirely new worlds. We mean, you don't throw around the word "transcending" for something that's just mildly cool, ya know?