Memory and the Past Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I have lost control over everything. Even the places in my head. (1.25)

It's hard to tell whether Rachel lost control of her life and her job because of her drinking, or if those losses caused the dark places inside her mind.

Quote #2

I close my eyes and let the darkness grow and spread until it morphs from a feeling of sadness into something worse: a memory, a flashback. (1.40)

This is the first instance of Rachel meditating on a bad memory and trying to dissect it. It becomes a recurring motif throughout the novel.

Quote #3

I can't risk looking backwards, it's always a bad idea. (2.14)

This is another similar-but-different situation with Megan and Rachel. Both of them hate their memories, but Megan wants to run from them while Rachel wants to get up the nerve to confront them.