The Graduate Scene 1 Summary

Stuck in the Fish Tank

  • As the movie begins, we see Benjamin Braddock arriving back home in southern California after his college graduation.
  • After he leaves the airplane, he rides the automatic sidewalk through the airport to the melancholy soundtrack of Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence." Doesn't look like he's glad to be home.
  • At home, Ben's moping in his room and staring at a fish tank with a little scuba-diver statue in it. A party is going on downstairs.
  • Ben's dad, Mr. Braddock, enters and tells him the guests are waiting for him downstairs, but Ben wants some time alone. He's pondering his future, and says he wants it to be "different."
  • They head downstairs, where the party guests (his parents' friends, mostly) jovially ask Ben about his plans for the future, his scholarship award, and whether he'll pick up "teeny boppers" in his cool, new Italian sports car.
  • Ben goes outside, where another family friend, Mr. McGuire gives him some unsolicited career advice—he tells him there's "a great future in plastics." Ben says he'll think about it.
  • Ben finds all this intolerable. He goes upstairs in his bedroom to hide from the party guests, but another family friend, Mrs. Robinson, enters, and acts like she thought this was the bathroom.
  • She asks Ben why he's upset, and he doesn't seem to know. She asks him for a ride home. He agrees.