Jonah Bay Timeline & Summary


Jonah Bay Timeline & Summary

  • Eleven-year-old Jonah is drugged over and over by Barry Claimes and has his music stolen.
  • At Spirit-in-the-Woods, Jonah cultivates his aura of mystery; that year, Jonah briefly dates Ash.
  • Jonah brings drugs to the fateful New Year's party and has a breakdown over it.
  • For college, Jonah goes to MIT on royalties from his mom's music.
  • He graduates and works idly in a lab until getting scooped up by the Moonies.
  • Jonah is rescued from the Moonie farm by his friends, but leaves his mom there when he bounces.
  • He takes a job at a robotics company that makes machines for the disabled.
  • Jonah meets Robert at a dinner party at Jules's place.
  • With reassurance from a hotline, Jonah starts dating/sleeping with Robert.
  • Many years later, Robert leaves him for an HIV-positive man who will commit fully.
  • Sometime afterward, Jonah goes with Ethan to a conference and beats up Barry Claimes.
  • He starts playing music again as a hobby.
  • Jonah starts teaching Ethan's son how to play guitar via Skype.