The Lathe of Heaven Theme of Love

Love and relationships are an essential part of human existence. Hey, we're social creatures. We mean, we just like each other. But in the futuristic world of The Lathe of Heaven, love becomes even more important: it's the only way that we can keep the world from completely falling apart. Without it, we might even destroy everything we know. Whether it's romantic or friendship, The Lathe of Heaven tells us that love is a pretty big deal—maybe even the biggest deal.

Questions About Love

  1. Why do the aliens in The Lathe of Heaven give George a Beatles record? What significance does it have? Why do you think this is the only way they can communicate with him?
  2. What impact does George's relationship with Heather have on his management of his powers? How would The Lathe of Heaven be different if George and Heather didn't like each other? Would it be different?
  3. What are the different perspectives on love and relationships that appear in The Lathe of Heaven? How does Dr. Haber see it? The aliens? Society at large?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Love is the only way to deal with George's dreaming power in The Lathe of Heaven

Relationships are not important to the future of the world in The Lathe of Heaven.