Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart)’s Timeline and Summary

Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Spade takes the case from Brigid, who calls herself Ms. Wonderly.
  • He finds out his partner, Miles Archer, has been killed.
  • Visiting Brigid, he discovers her true identity.
  • Later, Joel Cairo calls on Spade, and Spade learns that everyone is after a mysterious bird-shaped artifact.
  • Brigid is being pursued by Gutman, a.k.a. "the fat man," so Sam goes to his hotel room to find out information.
  • Everyone gives Spade the runaround for a while, before Gutman finally tells him the whole story of the Maltese Falcon.
  • One night, Brigid goes missing and Spade tries to find her, but fails.
  • When he returns to his office, Captain Jacoby, who has been shot, stumbles into the room and gives Spade the Falcon.
  • He makes a bargain with Gutman, Cairo, and Gutman's lackey, Wilmer, for Brigid to give them the Falcon in exchange for a large sum of money.
  • But the Falcon is fake. Gutman and his men leave to continue pursuing the Falcon.
  • Spade calls the police and turns them in.
  • And because he's deduced that Brigid actually killed his partner, he turns her in to the cops too.