Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Mary Astor)’s Timeline and Summary

Brigid O'Shaughnessy (Mary Astor)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Brigid, as Ms. Wonderly, goes to Spade, telling him her sister is missing and Floyd Thursby is to blame.
  • After Thursby is shot, Brigid tells Spade her name is Ms. O'Shaughnessy and she is looking for something.
  • She tells Spade that "the fat man" is after her. He killed Thursby, and he's after her next.
  • Brigid and Spade begin a romantic relationship.
  • The day after Spade meets Joel Cairo, he brings Brigid and Cairo together to talk about the Falcon, and Brigid and Cairo fight.
  • Later, Brigid is intimidated by Gutman, Cairo, and Wilmer into giving them the Falcon, but she doesn't have it. Spade does.
  • Finally, everyone is brought together and the Falcon is revealed to be a fake.
  • Spade realizes that Brigid actually killed his partner, and he turns Brigid in to the police.
  • She'll go jail for a long time, and may hang.