The Maltese Falcon Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I don't know anything about women." (2.62)

Spade jokes that he knows nothing about women, and in many ways, he's right. Some of the female characters in the novel, such as Brigid and Iva, aren't exactly the easiest people to read. As a result, there are frequent clashes between the blatantly macho characters like Spade and the extremely feminine figures like Brigid.

Quote #2

"I never know what to do or say to women except that way." (3.46)

Spade admits to being a womanizer. He's been having an affair with Iva even though he's not that crazy about her anymore. And when he meets Brigid, it doesn't take long before the two of the wind up in bed together.

Quote #3

"You always think you know what you're doing, but you're too slick for your own good, and some day you're going to find out." (3.69)

Effie cautions Spade not to be overly confident in himself. Spade's tough guy act might work on some, but Effie can see straight through it.