Valère Timeline and Summary


Valère Timeline and Summary

  • Valère opens the play by coming onstage with Élise and promising her that he'll do whatever it takes to be with her. He plans on finding his parents one day and getting their consent to marry her. But in the meantime, he plans on using his skills of flattery to get Harpagon to like him.
  • As the play unfolds, Valère takes Harpagon's side in every argument. He even pretends to command Élise to marry another man because he knows that in the end, Harpagon's approval is what matters if he's going to be with Élise.
  • When a servant named Jacques receives a beating from Harpagon, Valère laughs at him. Jacques tries to act tough with Valère, so Valère gives him a second beating. He swears revenge on Valère, unsurprisingly.
  • When Harpagon's moneybox goes missing, Jacques lies and tells Valère that he saw him steal it. Valère reveals that he couldn't have stolen it because he's descended from an Italian nobleman named Don Thomas D'Alburci.
  • An older gentleman named Anselme reveals that he is Don Thomas and that Valère is therefore the long lost son that Don Thomas thought had died in a shipwreck.
  • On top of all that, the character Mariane reveals that she is in fact Valère's sister.
  • Don Thomas pays Harpagon enough money to ensure that Valère and Élise are able to marry one another.