

Character Role Analysis


Since we have an omniscient narrator here, we get to see things from the point of view of several different characters. When Sticky's caught cheating, it's like the narrator is sitting right on his shoulder reading his thoughts. And when Kate goes on her mission to destroy the Whisperer, we get that scene entirely from her perspective. So we know how many of the characters feel and what they're thinking, but for the most part, we feel like we're in on this adventure with Reynie.

The book starts with Reynie going to take Mr. Benedict's tests, and we get to see what each of the tests is like when he completes them. Reynie is the character who visits Mr. Benedict for some key heart-to-hearts, and he's also the one who gets us into Mr. Curtain's study to see what's going on in there. And Reynie's self-doubt and his ultimate victory over his own fears make up a big part of the story. We find ourselves rooting for the whole team, certainly, and against Mr. Curtain at all costs, but it's Reynie who really drives the story for us, and that's why he's the protagonist.