The People Could Fly Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

Now Sarah carried a babe tied to her back. She trembled to be so hard worked and scorned. (5)

Sarah is in dire straits. Can you imagine having to work all day while caring for your child? It seems impossible. Somehow Sarah is expected to suffer like this, day in and day out.

Quote #2

The owner of the slaves […] was a hard lump of clay. […] A hard rock pile, wouldn't be moved. (6)

The Master is one bad dude. Although he witnesses tons of suffering every day, he doesn't care one bit so long as he's making boatloads of money. What kind of monster could act that way?

Quote #3

So the one called Driver cracked his whip over the slow ones to make them move faster. (6)

Although the Master runs the show, it's the Driver that actually inflicts the violence. In fact, that's probably how the Master creates so much suffering without batting an eye—he has other people do the dirty work for him.