The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 12 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Therese tells Richard about her upcoming trip with Carol.
  • He doesn't think Therese will actually go, though, because she's always changing her mind about things.
  • Richard asks to meet Carol first, and they meet up Sunday afternoon.
  • Carol and Richard chat about feeding peanuts to squirrels, and then they go to lunch.
  • At the restaurant, Therese is shocked to see Harge, Carol's husband, dining nearby with a woman.
  • Harge sees them, and Carol walks away to talk to him in private.
  • Richard asks Therese if they can bail and go to a concert, but Therese bails on him instead, saying she'd rather hang out with Carol.
  • Carol hears this and tells Therese that she is going home, so she should stay with Richard.
  • Therese tells Richard she would rather go home alone than go to a concert with him, and he gets angry with her and storms off.
  • Therese doesn't care. She doesn't feel guilty for upsetting him.