The Ransom of Red Chief Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Ransom of Red Chief? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does the countryside say about the predicament?

Johnny's absence has gone unnoticed.
Old Dorset is going out of his mind like the looming storms.
Old Dorset is patient like the sylvan attitude of sleepiness exhibited by the countryside.
A and C.
Q. What Biblical character does Bill feel an affinity towards?

King David
King Herod
King Tut
Q. How does Sam characterize Johnny's interaction with Bill?

Jim Hawkins vs. Long John Silver
Larry vs. Bob
David vs. Goliath
Jonah vs. the Whale
Q. What historical qualities do you think Bill admires in his favorite Biblical character?

His skills as an architect.
The Massacre of the Innocents.
His wealth and power.
His leadership skills.
Q. What does Johnny's role play say about how he sees himself?

He chooses weak characters to express his victimization.
He chooses heroic characters to express his strength.
He chooses characters that utilize violence to demonstrate his strength.
He chooses fun characters because he is a ten-year-old boy and is playing.