The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 3: August 24, 1823 Quotes

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 3: August 24, 1823 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Harris had no idea where to begin, and was almost relieved that the throat wounds appeared so obviously mortal. (1.3.29)

Glass is in such rough shape after the bear attack that death seems like it'd be the easier option. As we'll come to see, however, things are going to be a bit more complicated than that.

Quote 2

He heard her size before he saw it. Not just the track of the thick underbrush that the sow moved aside like short grass, but the growl itself, a sound deep like thunder or a falling tree. (1.3.10)

The bear that attacks Glass is presented more like a force of nature than a flesh-and-blood animal. And that makes sense—it mirrors the abject terror Glass feels when this massive creature is bearing down on him. Yikes. If this is what the relationship between man and nature is going to be like, then we're hopping on the next bus to the city.

Quote 3

But he had never seen human carnage like this, fresh in the wake of attack. Glass was shredded from head to foot. His scalp lay dangling to one side (1.3.27)

There aren't enough cuss words in existence to express the gruesomeness of this scene. Should we just make some up? Florp! Zoop-a-doop! Blarping boof! Now that we've gotten that out our system, please excuse us—we've got a hot date with the nearest barf bag.