The Road Sections 181-190 Quotes

The Road Sections 181-190 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote 1

In the mudroom off the kitchen he'd seen an old wicker basket full of masonjars. He dragged the basket out into the floor and set the jars out of it and then tipped over the basket and tapped out the dirt. Then he stopped. What had he seen? A drainpipe. A trellis. The dark serpentine of a dead vine running down it like the track of some enterprise upon a graph. [. . .] The drainpipe ran down the corner of the porch. He was still holding the basket and he set it down in the grass and climbed the steps again. The pipe came down the corner post and into a concrete tank. [. . .] Down there in the darkness was a cistern filled with water so sweet that he could smell it. He lay in the floor on his stomach and reached down. He could just touch the water. He scooted forward and reached again and laved up a handful of it and smelled and tasted it and then drank. He lay there a long time, lifting up the water to his mouth a palmful at a time. Nothing in his memory anywhere of anything this good. (187.1)

The Man's resourcefulness really pays. He'll find some food just when they're running low, or he'll get The Boy out a tough scrape. In this passage, The Man's careful attention really pays off: he follows a drainpipe to an underground water tank. You can imagine how sweet the water must seem if the entire aboveground world is coated with a thin layer of ash.