
Character Role Analysis


The Ropemaker is the anti-Tilja in some ways. He doesn't really know what his role in all of this is supposed to be—only that it involves magic—whereas Tilja, on the other hand, is determined to go to the Empire for one purpose only: to find Faheel and get him to save the Valley.

The Ropemaker is gawky and speaks in an awkward fashion—note his incomplete sentences, like "'Going to need the muscle"' (18.76)—versus Tilja's full, decisive speech. He has always known he has power though, while she's just discovering hers on this journey. And even their powers are foils of sort—Ropey creates things and allows made magic to occur, while Tilja's power is based on muting that made magic.

Tilja and the Ropemaker are opposites in many ways, and these contrasts help us better understand them both.