Memory Quotes in The Scorch Trials

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And above it all, he had one image burned into his memories as strongly as a branded mark from a searing hot iron. His friend Chuck, stabbed in the chest, bleeding, dying as Thomas held him. (1.15)

Maybe it would seem better to forget some memories. This one is totally traumatic, and it haunts Thomas. WICKED sure isn't wiping this memory away, though. Why not? What's the point of all this?

Quote #2

But being reminded of his friend, and at such an odd moment, made Thomas angry. (7.27)

When you have a traumatic experience, being reminded about it isn't very fun. But when you're reminded of it at an odd moment—say, you're reminded of a skiing accident while you're on your first date—that can make you angry.

Quote #3

The scattered pieces of the puzzle brought back by the Changing weren't nearly enough to form solid memories. (9.10)

The Changing was a process a Glader would go through back in the Maze when they were stung by a Griever; it was painful, but it restored splotchy memories of the past. This is why Thomas keeps having these dream-memories.