The Spectacular Now Chapter 44 Summary

  • Now that Marcus knows about Sutter's afternoons with Cassidy, Sutter figures he'd better tell Aimee before she finds out from someone else.
  • He tries to bring it into the conversation casually at lunch, but it obviously upsets her.
  • Does she make a scene, though? Nope. She even agrees to go on a double date with Cassidy and Marcus sometime.
  • Sutter and Aimee still aren't sleeping with each other, since he thinks that'd make things messier when the time comes for them to break up.
  • But it's not easy for Sutter to hold back. When Aimee invites him to spend the night one night when everyone else in the family will be gone, it's a huge challenge.
  • At first, they just watch a sci-fi movie and have some drinks.
  • One of the actors in the movie reminds her of her dad, pretty much the only person who understood her.
  • He was a dreamer, too, and got her interested in old music and science fiction.
  • Sutter says every minute was a dream for his dad, and his dad didn't have any real dreams.
  • Aimee says he must have, to have gotten where he is in that Chase building.
  • She says she'd like to go up there and meet him someday…
  • But Sutter freaks out about that and gets all mad at her.
  • (Anyone else suspecting something fishy about that whole Chase building story?)
  • Aimee apologizes all over herself, and Sutter kisses her to make her feel better.