Merry (Dominic Monaghan)’s Timeline and Summary

Merry (Dominic Monaghan)’s Timeline and Summary

  • The two hobbits are captives of Saruman's uruk-hai who are carrying them back to Isengard.
  • Along the way, they're almost eaten when Éomer and company attack the orcs, slaughtering all of them.
  • Well, all but one. Merry and Pippin manage to slip into Fangorn Forest and are pursued by a hungry orc.
  • When he finally catches them, Merry's screams awaken Treebeard, who squashes the orc and grabs the hobbits, and takes them to see the White Wizard.
  • The White Wizard turns out to be Gandalf, although we never know what this encounter is like.
  • Soon, Merry and Pippin are on their way to their first entmoot, which they sleep through because entmoots take forever.
  • Angered by the ents decision not to go to war, Pippin asks Treebeard to take them toward Isengard, hoping that seeing the destruction of his forest will put force the ents to assault Orthanc.
  • It works. Treebeard lets out a cry of rage and soon the ents are bowling over infrastructure and flooding Isengard by breaking the dammed river.
  • Victorious, Merry and Pippin even find some delicious food to celebrate with.