The Two Towers Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Two Towers? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What are Merry and Pippin up to in Fangorn Forest?

Playing hide and seek
Drinking ent-draught
Climbing huorns
Writing awful poetry
Q. In general, what is the most common type of added scene in the extended edition?

Action sequence
Comedic sequence
Sequence that deviates from the original work
Romantic sequence
Q. Whose soup don't you want to eat?

Q. How does Boromir react to being sent to Rivendell for the Ring?

He can't wait to get started, he leaves immediately
He is so honored to be chosen he breaks down crying
He would rather stay and fight with his men
He doesn't like the elves and refuses to go
Q. Whose horse does Aragorn calm in the stables of Edoras?

Brego has no master but the wind and the plains