Gandalf (Ian McKellen)’s Timeline and Summary

Gandalf (Ian McKellen)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Gandalf's story precedes the others, taking place during some of the events of The Fellowship of the Ring.
  • As the Balrog takes him into the depths of Moria, he grabs his sword and fights it as they fall.
  • After much combat, Gandalf defeats it, and then enters some sort of ethereal state which seems to last many ages.
  • Finally, he wakes up, and barely remembers who he is.
  • With his new white cloak and white staff he heads to Fangorn where he meets Merry and Pippin and, presumably, tells them to chill with Treebeard.
  • Then he hits up Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, with whom he stays.
  • The four travel to Rohan where Gandalf breaks Saruman's hold on King Théoden.
  • He tries to council Théoden to stand and fight, but Théoden refuses, instead opting to retreat into Helm's Deep.
  • Gandalf leaves the people of Edoras and searches out Éomer and his company of horsemen.
  • He tells them of their people's war and brings them to the battle at dawn where they route the orc army.