The Yearling Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"He still wore the coat of the broadcloth suit that he had been married in, that he now wore as badge of his gentility when he went to church, or off trading. The sleeves were too short" (1.25)

Clothes make the man—or at least they can give you a lot of information about the man, like he's really come down in the world. Penny may be a scrub farmer, but he still hangs on to his best suit.

Quote #2

"Her bulky frame filled the end of the long narrow table" (1.56)

We get it, we get it. Ma Baxter is fat. What we don't quite get is why Rawlings tells us this way, but we think it might be a way of emphasizing just how much space she takes up, both at the table and in her menfolk's lives.

Quote #3

"She was at a pause in the feeding of her own large frame" (1.66)

Check out this language here: "the feeding of" and "large frame" make the act of eating a meal seem detached and almost animalistic, like Ma Baxter just one more piece of stock to be fed.