Theme in Yellow Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

Children join hands
And circle round me (8-9)

It's all about innocent fun on Halloween, and what better image to capture that than a bunch of kids joining hands and circling round pumpkins? No tears, no whining, just fun. And we bet there are plenty of parents wishing every day could be like Sandburg's "Theme in Yellow."

Quote #2

Singing ghost songs
And love to the harvest moon; (10-11)

Ghosts don't always have to be scary. They make for great songs too, and the kids know it. So even the ghosts have a more innocent spin to them. Maybe we have a potential Paranormal Activity 25 in the works, where the ghosts sing instead of stab?

Quote #3

And the children know
I am fooling. (14-15)

Looks like the kids and the pumpkins have a little insider trading going on here. It's the kids who know those jack-o-lanterns are only fooling, while the adults are likely planning their next pumpkin pie.