Thirteen Reasons Why Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Betrayal. It's one of the worst feelings. (3.63)

Hannah announces this theme early in the novel when she describes how Justin Foley used her first kiss to start the rumor that turned her life into a nightmare.

Quote #2

A rumor based on a kiss ruined a memory that I hoped would be special. A rumor based on a kiss started a reputation that people believed in and reacted to. (3.224)

Hannah takes Justin's betrayal so seriously because it affects her life in real ways. Guys think they can touch her without permission, and girls think she's stealing their boyfriends. This betrayal contributes a great deal to her isolation.

Quote #3

Hannah takes Justin's betrayal so seriously because it affects her life in real ways. Guys think they can touch her without permission, and girls think she's stealing their boyfriends. This betrayal contributes a great deal to her isolation.

Talk about bitter. Hannah could live with the fact that Courtney doesn't genuinely want to be her friend. She could even live with Courtney using her for a ride to a party and then ditching her. The real betrayal is that Courtney spreads a rumor that Hannah has erotic toys in her bedroom drawer. Once again, it's all about the rumors.