Education Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Haji Ali, avoiding Mortenson's eyes, said that the village had no school, and the Pakistani government didn't provide a teacher. (3.23)

When Mortenson hears this, he realizes that he is the one that has to build the school.  If a country's own government isn't going to help, then who is?

Quote #2

A dollar a day for a teacher, Mortenson fumed, how could a government, even one as impoverished as Pakistan's, not provide that? (3.26)

Mortenson is furious that a country that spends so much money on the military can't devote even a fraction of that to education. (Note that he's talking about Pakistan here, even though the same accusation could be leveled at Mortenson's own country.)

Quote #3

"They need teachers in Tanganyika. Let's go to Africa." (4.7)

Mortenson got his passion for education from his father, who was a teacher in Africa for most of Mortenson's youth.